Monday, January 26, 2009

New Products

I am very excited. I have two new products that I have made for my store and I am hoping my testers are going to love the products as much as I loved making it. I am now making scented tea lights and lip balm. Once I start getting some feedback, as long as it is all good, I am going to add the items to my store front. I just love finding new things to make. It really is an addiction. I always tell myself that I have to stop because it is too many items, but I just can't help myself. It is like every time I buy something, and I manage to take care of it, I feel like I can add one more thing to the list. You should have seen my husbands face. He was none to pleased. Good thing he loves me so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL I can't wait!!!