Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tooth Pain Sucks!

Somehow in the past year, I managed to break one of my fillings in half. I did not know I broke it and I have managed to get a serious infection and the dentist tells me that I have to get a root canal. The pain was so bad when I went to the dentist. I thought they would do something right away. Instead he writes a script for some medicine and sends me on my way. Tells me I have to be on the antibiotic for at least 24 hours before he will do anything. I was devastated. They told me it would cost me $1,200 after my insurance paid. I was in so much pain at that minute that I would not have cared how much money it was.
So I left the dentist and got the medicine. Thankfully it has started to work. It also let me start to see reason again. LOL I am debating on if I should get the root canal or if I should just have the tooth pulled. It is a lot of money to spend in today's economy. I have no idea if I will have a job next week. My husband has been laid off for such a long time. He worked about 12 weeks last year. No idea if he will work this year or not.
I was hoping to get a call from the VA and they would tell me they would fix it, but I have not heard from them at all. I will call them on Monday but I have a feeling they are not going to fix it. So, I will probably end up getting it pulled. :::sigh:::
Tooth pain sucks!!!!!!